Pasting nonsensically, painting outside the lines, writing words that do not exist, singing in made-up languages: what more to wish for? We have endless questions, the world won’t stop growing, and every day we discover more colours: can it get better than this? eRrAdO [wRoNg] praises error, trial, the space to experiment without the need to get it right or have concrete answers. eRrAdO is a performance with embedded Portuguese Sign Language, and every session is casual, which is to say that you can talk, move and even leave the room if you’re feeling uncomfortable. — Plataforma285
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Pasting nonsensically, painting outside the lines, writing words that do not exist, singing in made-up languages: what more to wish for? We have endless questions, the world won’t stop growing, and every day we discover more colours: can it get better than this? eRrAdO [wRoNg] praises error, trial, the space to experiment without the need to get it right or have concrete answers. eRrAdO is a performance with embedded Portuguese Sign Language, and every session is casual, which is to say that you can talk, move and even leave the room if you’re feeling uncomfortable. — Plataforma285
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